Campout Clinics
We’ve been asked to help new Westy owners get off to a good start. Sure the online forums and social groups are very helpful, but it’s hard to beat hands on instruction. We keep clinics small with a maximum of 10 vans, 20 people, this way you get the most out of it.
So what can you expect to get out of it?
we will have campfire and share our “van”story
you will learn about the tools and safety items you should have in your van and why!
you will learn what to do in various breakdown situations, Safety is key
you will learn where your spare tire is and how to get it down and RE&RE it.
you will learn about the controls and features you may or may not know your westy has.
we will have a group activity
we will have a Potluck
we will have a raffle
we will have campfire and chase the night away
you will have a one on one with Jleftbrane himself at your van, good time to ask questions about your specific van
our 2025 poster below