J Leftbrane

Jay is the brains and creator behind De La Syncro. He has a passion for these vans and the leadership to make this event a huge success every year. Obsessed with the number 7, Jay likes to have a whimsical take on van life and life in the outdoors. He wrenches on vans by day and adventures by night.


Maya Roza

Maya is a super talented Visual Effects artist who’s family owns Adria Imports Car Service and has always been around vanagons. She has owned and built up a few awesome syncro’s. She brings the Nerd skills to the team! If it’s for Dela on a computer, she’s smashing the keys.

Eric Berger

Mr. Berger was the fourth to join the team, he has the energy of a man a third of his age, he will do more set up, take more photos, cook more food, find more sponsors and supporters, have more drinks, and have more fun than anyone I have ever met.

He’s a Beast

Mark Dipple

What can I say about Mr. Dipple, he has been listening to me ramble about a Canadian Syncro event since 2010. He has always been supportive doing things like running the registration booth, helping pile firewood, getting supplies, planning the event and more.

He’s a boss


What can I say, another boss in the bunch Seanagon is a smart and funny guy. He is not afraid of hard work and geeks out about vans and gadgets with the best of us. He’s now part of an extra weird club of people who have more than one Vanagon.

Eric Bergers dog

Bergers dog Is a Beast. No leash wearing, full event wandering, gnarly fart blasting, cutie who sucks at scoring JLeftbrane babes

Vincint Cook - Alumni 2014-2019

Vince was the third person to join the Dela core crew. He has been indispensable. Not only did he coin the name, he has brought us countless designs keeping us fresh every year. He is an amazing designer. From fashion, infografics or logo’s, you can expect something great. Although he currently doesn’t have a syncro and is not actively helping he can never be forgotten

He’s a legend

Ranko Haslinger -Alumni 2014-2022

Ranko is a hard working, quick thinking, wood chopping, Chernobyl surviving, war surviving, Slav’ life’n 2 $yncro owning beast who grinds to make Dela great again! And 65% of the time he does it every time!